- The devastation is a sign of terrorism, the example of the process of the Russian plane was surely anticipated by the Russian security and Putin the master of the intelligence.
- Putin has decided to enter the war, and he knows the consequences of his decision.
- Those who supported and took care of terrorism will be bled by it in return.
- The consequences of this bleeding will be kept up to expand the alliance.
- The ground progress has imposed a rolling fait accompli that grips the geography from the terrorism’s organizations, so the terrorism will response with a hysterical acceleration like the process of Paris and the plane.
- Employing these processes is to attract the involvers and the hesitators to the arena which is drawn by the triple alliance the Russian Iranian and Syrian alliance.
- Expanding the alliance according to true equations.
- Stopping the funding and making the oppositions which they sponsor choose between a partnership in the war that will ensure for them a seat in the political process and between classifying them as terrorists and goals of wars.
- Putting a limit for the political process represented by a government under the rule of the Syrian President that is followed by presidential and parliamentary elections after the victory on terrorism.
- More of the political output will be achieved slowly in the fronts of France and America and more slowly in the Turkish front, while in the front of Saudi Arabia ….. Nothing will take place in the war fields of Yemen especially the bets on Marib and Taiz.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2015-11-20 | عدد القراءات 1791