Nasser Kandil wrote: Riyadh and Amman Conferences

  • Without the effective Russian positioning in the war on terrorism, and the embarrassment which it caused by targeting those whom were alienated by America and its allies, the war has not changed its path.
  • Since the decline of Al-Nusra sites, Ahrar Al Sham, Al Fatih Army, and Al Islam Army under the Russian strikes, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Washington, and Paris are in continuous movement.
  • No one can claim of stopping the targeting of Al Nusra Front, while it announces that it is the main branch of Al-Qaeda, while the others are secondary branches.
  • The West, the Turkish, and the Saudi have started a campaign against the Russian role that it targets the opposition, so Russia responded; tell us your list about who represents the opposition, but the matters have passed.
  • At Vienna’s Meeting the resolution has been issued for classifying those who call themselves and those who were called by the countries the opposition, between terrorism and opposition that will participate in the political solution and abolish this intended ambiguity for the coverage on an implicit support of Al-Qaeda.
  • Amman Conference is to classify the terrorism, while Riyadh Conference is to unify the opposition as a result of the Russian movement, thus everyone will be restricted within an equation that there is no place for Al-Qaeda and its affiliates in the political solution.
  • The basis of sorting is easy as long as Al Nusra is terrorism, and because you are with it in the same geography, so come and fight it and we are ready to support you.
  • Riyadh and Amman are in trouble.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,


2015-11-23 | عدد القراءات 1810