Nasser Kandil wrote: Turkey and the impasse

  • Turkey knows that the decision of shooting the Russian plane is not a result of the violation of its airspace; it knows that it cannot do that next time under the same plea.
  • Turkey knows that it wants to deliver a message to Russia, its content is do not approach neither of the Turkmen Mountain, nor of the armed groups near the borders, they are our groups, and do not put your terms to classify the terrorist organizations, because among them there are those who are wanted by us to be in the political process, moreover, do not be tolerant with the presence of Iran and the arming of Hezbollah and its involvement in Syria, because these are sources of anxiety for America, Saudi Arabia, Israel the allies of Turkey.
  • The question which Turkey does not have an answer to is what if Russia does not take all of these demands into its considerations, and continues the implementation of its project towards the Turkish-Syrian borders?
  • What if the Syrian army accompanied with Hezbollah continues its progress in the North under a qualitative Russian bombardment, and has caused the fall of the Turkmen Mountain at its hands and all the hills of Jisr Al Shogour and the Kurds Mountain towards the Turkish borders with Syria?
  • Does Turkey have the ability of the direct intervention in a confrontation?
  • Turkey has put itself in an impasse, and it will not come out of it because the war continues its goals.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,


2015-11-27 | عدد القراءات 1671