Thanks Syria & the resistance ….. Not Qatar Greetings to Abbas Ibrahim and shame on the government of Lebanon

Written by Nasser Kandil,

Every Lebanese observer who is honest with his Lebanese patriotism and who does not live the inferiority complex to check his blood every time to prove that he is Lebanese for more than ten years, and how if he trusts that he is Lebanese for thousand years ago, now is feeling ashamed of the disgraceful behavior of his leaders toward the deal of releasing the kidnapped soldiers.

The shame caused by the negotiation that was originally from the inaction and the involvement in sending the military hostages, and granting the kidnappers the title of the rebels from ministers, and Lebanese leaders, maybe the joy of the auspicious return of these Lebanese youths to the bosom of freedom and the homeland can stop it  .

The difficult shame is in seeing the governmental officials and the politicians in a state of hypocrisy toward the owner of the Gulf money who has come to reserve a seat in our coming political equation through his money and influence on “the good people”, as long as the friendship with Al-Nusra front and with ISIS tomorrow becomes a pride that requires cheering for Qatar and others.

The most difficult shame is through this disobedience which the official Lebanon has shown except for the speech of the Major General Abbas Ibrahim in favor of Syria which has participated in the ransom which the terrorist gangs which detain the Syrian citizens and military soldiers have demanded, Syria under the guidance of its President Dr. Bashar Al-Assad has granted Lebanon this generous, but none of the Prime Minister or other governmental officials has thanked Syria which helped in soothing the feelings of the families of the Syrians hostages who feel with injustice and the preference to exchange their sons with those whom Syria has delivered to the Lebanese government to facilitate the exchange of the Lebanese military soldiers.

Thanks to Syria and the resistance for changing the military map, which made the position of Al-Nusra and later ISIS is unbearable, so this made the thinking of exchange realistic where the efforts and the negotiations have not reached to what they had reached before. Thanks to the leader of the resistance for his effort for what is beyond the interference at the prince of Qatar, as the Major General Abbas Ibrahim has revealed, but we say, who has attributed in his interference in the ransom of the exchange. If we reformulate the narration of the Major General Ibrahim is that Al Sayyed Hassan Nasrollah has responded to the call to send a message to the Prince of Qatar after he understood that the Qataris are in need for a relation that opens political doors for them, despite the bitterness and wounds which have affected the resistance and its followers through the booby-trapped cars which those who were spoiled by Qatar have sent, thus we can consider it a part of the ransom of freedom for the kidnapped soldiers.

Greetings to the Major General Abbas Ibrahim for what is beyond his effort, follow up, accuracy, and secrecy, these characteristics are known by the close and the far people, the lovers and the haters. Greetings to the self-praise since he was exposed to unjust attacks, distortion projects and accusation of his patriotism. Greeting to his effort as an official responsible for compensating the denial and the disclaimer of the government toward the gratitude of Syria and the resistance under the strength of maliciousness or the influence of the owners of the Gulf money who prevent any needed tribute toward Syria and the resistance, and through whom our officials are controlled by their red lines, and talk about an independent decision, and about Lebanon firstly.

Qatar has received money, it will receive the cost it paid, and the cost of what it has spent for the kidnappers in the deal and for their sponsoring before that and after, while Syria and the resistance have paid and will not gain but only a sense of peace of conscience for accomplishing the duty and the responsibility despite the ingratitude and the disobedience.

Translate by Lina Shehadeh,




2015-12-05 | عدد القراءات 1846