Nasser Kandil wrote: Until Spring

  • Until spring the Yemeni negotiation will be developed in conjunction with the development of the Iranian-Saudi talks which their level will be raised gradually.
  • Until spring the Syrian-Syrian negotiation will be matured in Genève, accompanied with the field which will undertake the fate of the armed groups. Aleppo, Idlib, the courtside of Damascus, Daraa, Al-Ramadi will be resolved, while the gates of Raqaa and Al Mosul will be hit strongly.
  • Until spring, Erdogan and Saudi Arabia will admit of the new equations in Syria and Yemen.
  • Until spring, Lebanon will reach to a package of understandings on the election law, and the presidential search will be entered to a serious phase.
  • Until spring, one thing will remain waiting, it is the future of the confrontation between the resistance and Israel, which if it remains open, then everything will wait accordingly.
  • The expected response of the resistance after the Israeli attempt of breaking the deterrence balance and the rules of engagement after the assassination of the leader Samir Al-Kuntar is unknown neither in its place, nor time, nor quality nor the manner.
  • Everything in the region will depend on waiting any equation that controls the Israeli role and which without it, the maps will remain unclear.
  • Thus, every calm will remain calm before the storm till the wind blows announcing the progress toward Palestine.
  •  There will be the real spring.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,


2015-12-28 | عدد القراءات 1693