Nasser Kandil wrote: The Syrian army is on the Turkish borders

  • Three years ago all the Syrian-Turkish borders were free of any presence of the Syrian army after the Turks have succeeded by the intensive armed and fiery support in giving the bordered depth inside the Syrian territories to their affiliated groups.
  • From Hasaka to Raqqa to Aleppo, Idlib and Latakia which are Syrian provinces that are neighboring Turkey along the borders, the Syrian army has no longer any point on the borders, but the groups of Al-Nusra, ISIS, and others have occupied their place with all the Turkish support.
  • After passing years of steadfastness, sacrifices, patience, and the siege, the Syrian army has retaken the lead militarily, and has started its reverse attack in the north of Syria by regaining the airport Kweres.
  • The victories have continued one another for months through which the units of the army have succeeded in the progress in countryside of Aleppo, Latakia, and Idlib.
  • The army has reached the parts of Al Bab city in the northeast of Aleppo and parts of Jisr Al Shogour in the northwest of Aleppo, and has its control on the points of the international road toward Hama.
  • The most important event was in the countryside of Latakia, where the army has succeeded yesterday in having control on the last hills of Kurds Mountain along the Turkish borders and stood before the bordered point of the Turkish army.
  • Reaching the Turkish borders is the starting of the end of the war on Syria.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,


2016-01-16 | عدد القراءات 1894