One Hundred years for Sykes-Picot: Sergey Lavrov corrects the fault of Sergey Sazanov

Written by Nasser Kandil,

There are many things to say on the centennial of Sykes-Picot from the gate of talking about a new map for the region’s entities, once by foreshadowing of division, and once by foreshadowing of sharing and the lamentation for the national patriotic ruins, and often concerning the positions of the Russian and Iranian roles within the talk about foreign projects that struggle against the Arab countries, so the Russian, the American ,and the Iranian have become alike, while what is going on is a confrontation with one project in the region which is the project of the American hegemony but with different versions Israeli, Turkish, Saudi or mixed opposed by Iranian and Russian defense lines that are aware that the fall of the Middle East under the grip of any one these versions of the American project mean that Washington becomes at the gates of Moscow and Tehran.

Others want to remember Sykes-Picot and its centennial from the gate of another lamentation, they want to talk about the waste of the Arab project or any type of the types of the national patriotic project, in order to say that our countries have become an arena for the wars of the others’ projects, as one day the Lebanese resistance that fought the Israeli occupation was shown through its different formations as mere a prolonging of the others’ wars on the land of Lebanon by affiliating it once to the Syrian project against an Israeli project, so the call for Lebanon was to  be away from them and once by affiliating it to the Iranian project against an Israeli project and once against Saudi project , thus the call was for being with Saudi Arabia out of the principle of the Arab blood brotherhood. Those themselves when the occupation troops enter to Beirut and become a sponsor of having a Lebanese President or more from within its wing, they will not find that affecting the sovereignty or violates its principles but they perfect the cheering for the “sovereign” president, and today they are themselves who would acclaim for any ruling form of Syria which was bred within the American wing and under the Turkish or the Saudi sponsorship and some bit of the Israeli flavor. If the Americans had succeeded in overthrowing Syria, they would not have remembered the national project but they will see what they want us to see during the stage of giving the region for the Muslim Brotherhood and within the winds of the popular anger which was called the Arab Spring,  they want us to see that what is going on is just an expression of a new form of the national country but with a new cultural way, or as what their eldest who has taught them the magic “ the Arab thinker” has written that Saudi Arabia expresses a reaction of the Arab national instinct against an Iranian Russian invasion from the gate of Syria.

What is going on in the region is clear for who wants to see, the Arab national country which its first version was born within the wing of Sykes-Picot has staggered under the blows of the globalization but it has not fallen because the coming alternative is less important historically, because the formula of following up which the new Ottoman project has,  has fallen despite the money and the religious coverage, and the formula of the local settlement of Wahhabism has just produced the examples of Al-Nusra and ISIS, so the project of the national country through its strongest example which is represented by Syria from its position in the conflict with Israel and its position in the resistance team as well as its position among the advanced independent countries was capable of gathering the sources of power which enabled it from forming alliances and organizing a reverse attack that forms a nucleus for forming a national and a patriotic project at the same time after it becomes surely that nothing would return back to what was before.

Within the correspondences of the French Consul in Beirut George Picot and Mark Sykes the British Commissioner for the Near Eastern Affairs in Cairo, and the Russian Ambassador in Tehran Sergey Sazanov since August 2015 there was a drawing for the dominance’s map among the three empires in the Middle East, The share of the Caesarean Russia which formed the guarantor of the understandings at that time was the Turkish shores on the Black Sea which did not fall at its hand because of the coincidence of the Mustafa Kemal Ataturk’s revolution which became an alternative partner of the Ottoman  Empire with the  Bolshevik Revolution in Moscow which overthrew the rule of the Czars and instead of Russia’s Turkish present, the new Turkey has gained a compensation that surpassed enhancing its control in the Black Sea’s coast by giving it shares in Iraq and Syria represented by the Syrian Province of Iskenderun and the Protected Mosul according to Sevres Agreement that followed by Lausanne Treaty.

Sergey Lavrov enters the centennial Sykes-Picot-Sanzov along with John Kerry on one hand and Mohammed Jawad Zarif on the other hand, but Kerry is not the inheritor of Sykes or Picot the two comers to share the Ottoman legacy, but he is the guarantor of the American bankruptcy itself which its faltering influence in the Middle East after a decade and a half of the wars is similar to the situation of the Ottoman Empire after the Sykes –Picot Agreement. The one who likes the formal applying and the play with words will be happy about the talk of the ternary Kerry-Zarif-Lavrov instead of the ternary Sykes-Picot–Sazanov, while the only source of similarity in both cases before one hundred years and today is that they stem from an attempt to fill a strategic gap resulting from the imperial failure in such a sensitive region of the regional and international security, the failure was Ottoman before but now it is American however including renewed Ottoman version. Washington occupies the place of the sick man and the partner inheritor too, because it is the partner of the new formula and an exclusive owner of the old formula which failed and declined.

America found itself in a deadlock because the only newborn which it has succeeded in transforming the American project to, as an alternative of the national country is the example of ISIS, so the restoration of the national country has become an international demand to prevent the spread of the disease which threatens the world, so the Russian Iranian aid for the national countries in Iraq and Syria has become beyond what is accepted by America to the extent of the transformation to be an American demand, even if the outcome is the birth of a type of Syrian-Iraqi federal formula which the Russian President has talked about repeatedly from the gate of the integration between the Syrian and the Iraqi armies as a necessity to win against the terrorism.

Sergey Sazanov was a witness and a partner in the division and sharing, while Sergey Lavrov is attending to correct the historical fault and to prevent the geographical error. The national independent country in the era of the globalization is a part of an international environment that is based on the forced follow up or the voluntary cooperation which is produced by an independent decision with friends who have exchanged the faithfulness with faithfulness, so Russia built its rank on the values because it is a long modern concept for the interests and strategies, while Washington is still living the opportunistic of the relations with the logic of the oldness, but everything has changed.

On 16th of May 1916 Sykes Picot Agreement was born in Petersburg the capital of the Caesarean Russia with the sponsorship and the partnership of Sergey Sazanov who has become the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Caesar. With May 2016 and the passage of one hundred years, the history will write that the Sergey Lavrov the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the noble and the Strategic Caesar Vladimir Putin has sponsored the protection of the project of the national country in Syria and Iraq from the threats of division and sharing. Therefore the Russian fire has caused the fall of the dreams of the new Ottoman Sultan of dividing and sharing them with the Wahhabism of ISIS, Al-Nusra, and Israel, or at least winning a consolation prize in Aleppo and Mosul.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,



2016-01-29 | عدد القراءات 1875