Nasser Kandil wrote: Al- Nusra Front

  • The American Russian announcement as two principles for the group of the work for Syria which is sponsored by the United Nations for ceasing-fire and adding Al-Nusra Front to those who are excluded of the resolution in addition to ISIS, constitutes a culmination of years of the abject failure of the Saudi Turkish and Israeli fighting to present Al –Nusra Front as an indispensable partner in the political solution and the war on ISIS.
  • America was not out of this fighting in its endeavor to improve the image of Al-Nusra, to integrate it politically and to try to make it a part of the war on ISIS, despite the early classification of Washington of Al-Nusra as a terrorist organization, because the speech of David Petraeus the former head of the US intelligence about the importance of Al-Nusra in the war on terrorism was not a personal speech.
  • The matter for two years was disrupting every effort of the political solution and the war on terrorism by searching for the Syrian suitable partner which Washington was refusing the admission that this partner is the Syrian country.
  • Today Washington acknowledged that the war on Al-Nusra will continue and that the Syrian militant forces and their allies will continue this war as stated in the American Russian Statement.
  • Washington was paving the way for the groups of Turkey and Saudi Arabia to be away of Al-Nusra Front otherwise they will meet the same fate, and this is the big challenge which many will be unable to do.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,




2016-02-25 | عدد القراءات 1857