Nasser Kandil wrote: All of them are Al- Nusra Front

  • Since the birth of what was called as the Free Army with a Turkish Saudi and Qatari sponsorship financially and with an armament providing under the American control, it was obvious for the followers that the political composition of the military structure has depended on the Islamic extremists who descended from the Muslim Brotherhood and Wahhabism .
  • After a period of time the body becomes united between the two sources of the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda under the supervision of their common denominator Ayman Al-Zawahri who has brotherhood roots and who became the leader of Al-Qaeda.
  • With the escalation of the situation in Syria and the failure of what was entitled the Free Army in achieving the military balance, and the need for Islamic name to attract the Islamic militants who belong to Al-Qaeda to compensate the incapability, the Free Army was practically dismantled by the withdrawal of the Islamic militants and having several nominations, officially the most prominent of which was Al-Qaeda’s branch which has the name of Al-Nusra Front.
  • The agreements which the Americans settled under the leadership of David Petraeus the former head of the US intelligence with Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel and Qatar included improving the image of Al-Nusra Front and presenting it as a title for the participation in any political solution in addition to its undertaking the responsibility of the Israeli security in the Southern of Syria.
  • With the difficulty of improving the image of Al-Nusra, there were many new names such as Al Fatih Army and the Southern Front and other.
  • Ceasing –fire will discover where is the militant opposition, which is unattached to Al-Nusra, and will say try to find it by the telescope.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,


2016-02-25 | عدد القراءات 1817