Saudi Arabia and Israel have agreed: The enemy is Hezbollah
Written by Nasser Kandil,
Despite the magnitude of the American Saudi relationship historically, the cooperation between Israel and Saudi Arabia remained restricted with some secret channels, even if they were settled with the knowledge of the decision-maker, the reservation was not mere taking into consideration the public opinion, or the fear of the reactions that affect the kingdom’s status which aspires to lead the Arab and the Islamic worlds which share the aspirations of liberating Palestine. Despite the announced practical Saudi hostility toward the leadership of Gamal Abdul Nasser, the kingdom was waging its Arab wars under the slogan that it possesses the best recipe of the adventuring choices to liberate Palestine, it is the recipe of the distinguished relationship with Washington, but the relationship with Israel and its normalization remained officially as Saudi Arabia’s taboos, despite many doubts about the lack of the credibility of this prohibition.
What is going today surpasses the accusatory analyses which based on doubts and assumptions with respect to the past which remained subject to interpretation, but there was a fundamental contradiction in the past that prevented that alliance, which related to the opposite aspirations of two parties, each one of them is confident that what it has of strength’ reasons is enough to be the dominant on the same area, knowing that the upper limit which the second force promises of is by ensuring the acceptable limit of the interests and the security for it. Objectively this was the reality of the two Israel and Saudi theories toward each other, but this is no longer exists, because the region which they compete on leading it and dominate on it since the end of the era of Abdul Nasser throughout four decades has changed a lot, Neither Israel after its losing wars in Lebanon and Palestine, nor Saudi Arabia after the breaking of its arrogance in Syria and Yemen and after Iran’s rise have opportunities and hopes to regain the past and its dreams, America as well is no longer able to do what is useful to re-emerge the equations of the past after its armies and fleets since a whole decade and over were stripped and failed to stabilize its new empire after the collapse of the Soviet Union, but now it accustomed with the new situation, it recognizes that the matters are no longer as it wants, with the new Iran which it obliges to have an understanding with, with a Russian presence that surpasses the previous familiar limits and which imposes its rhythms on the events.
Neither Saudi Arabia nor Israel feel comfortable with what they described as the American subservience, but at the same time they do not have the ability of being alone with another allies to change the equations, so they submit to the tracks which Washington has decided its behavior in the dealing with the Russian role and the Iranian rising, these are the tracks of containment, they try to involve in the new Syrian track in order to seize the new opportunities to pounce late, but they agree and get the American blessing for their agreement that Hezbollah is the enemy, and that harming it contributes in improving the equations that surround the American policy, and depriving it from the participation in the commemorative photo of the victory in Syria, since it was the main partner in its forming will make this victory lose its sparkle, moreover the allies will lose a lot of the additive value, except for the Israeli Saudi threat to avenge from those whom they consider the cause of what has affected their projects of defeats.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2016-02-27 | عدد القراءات 2213