- Many people wonder about the Russian American agreement on ceasing-fire in Syria tying to find an answer about whether the understanding means the starting of the end of the war.
- The question in this way collides with two obstacles, the first one is the contradiction of the American Russian statements and their collide with the form and content, second is the presence of two parties that having control over most of the geography which is outside the grip of the Syrian Army, they are ISIS and Al-Nusra which are excluded of the agreement and included within the continuation of the war as two terrorist formations.
- Thus the war will not stop, the main parties in it is the Syrian army supported by the Russian air force and the allies in the resistance on one hand, and ISIS and Al-Nusra on the other hand, this war will continue.
- What will happen in politics and security is a qualitative important step, which is considered the most masterful war tactics because it is an attempt to sort the opposition and it supporters of Al-Nusra which represents their real force, by excluding those who do not belong neither to Al-Nusra nor to ISIS of the war and integrating them in the political process.
- Russia has succeeded in getting the American coverage for the war which it wages with Syria against Al-Nusra.
- Saudi Arabia and Turkey and their groups are in front of an impasse between joining Al-Nusra or joining ceasing-fire and the political process.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2016-02-27 | عدد القراءات 2005