We are at the gates of victory; however the strife is stealing its purity
Written by Nasser Kandil,
Rarely the achievement of victory requires the modestyin the use of force, and the retreat from the engagement lines, and often the victory comes from the intersection of two wars a ground and psychological one, one achieves the advancement and puts its control on the important points which resolve the battle, and one deters the opposite opponent of thinking of resorting tomore steps in the confrontation and escalation, it is rarelythe maintaining of stability without the concession of the positions requires announcing of non-readiness for confrontation, and leaving the fields of contact areas. Often the stability is not achieved by preserving the constants through leaving the opponent threatens and escalates, abstaining from practicing the moral and the media deterrence, and refusing the fight in the challenge's arenas, but it is achieved on the contrary by repelling the opponent, threatening him, deterring him from escalation by showing the obstacles which he will face, but Al Sayyed Hassan Nasrollah has contradicted the familiar, he moved on towards his victory by using the force humbly to the extent of refrainment, and announcing the withdrawal from the engagement arenas, leaving the battlefield to his opponent, retaining only of his constants, his positions and his word " the one who wants to fight us let him come to us, and the one who wants to turn the table, let him do that".
Many things will be said about the speech of Al SayyedHassan Nasrollahin his call for ignoring the strife and transcending the provocations, and his certainty that the pursuit to the strife is a ruination, thus it must be done everything possible in order to avoid the falling in it, as there will be a lot to be said about linking the speech of Al Sayyed Hassan Nasrollah of his call for doing everything available to avoid the strife, since it is an Israeli project. As well as many things will be said about the insistence of Al SayyedNasrollah for the continuation of Hezbollah of what it claims today about Saudi Arabia, considering that its defensive position about the sufferings of the Yemeni people is the nobles position which reordered in his life and in the biography of Hezbollah, but what it is importantto say, is that Al-Sayyed is in not like the warrior who is afraid of a danger and he calls to avoid it, and chooses the arena of fighting which he finds it the best to achieve his victory, by contrast Al-Sayyed is not in a position of the bid to show the moral national superiority by announcing the quest to renounce the strife and the call to transcend the provocations which want to lure his party and his followers to them in order to accumulate a political balance against its opponents. Al Sayyed is behaving on the basis that his war is approaching its end with an indisputable victory, and that the alliance which faces him on the opposite bank is the Israeli Saudi, and the Turkish ternary, which is aware of this result, moreover it knows that the victory becomes at the hand of Hezbollah and its allies, so it charged Saudi Arabia, because it is among its allies which can lure Hezbollah and provoking it, in order to make Hezbollah falls in the trap of the strife and thus to lose the glitter of its victory, not because it thought that the strife is useful today as a receipt of victory in which its enemies have failed in achieving it, the victory has been resolved in Hezbollah’s favor, what its enemies can do is to contaminate this victory and distort it, so he comes out to his audience, to preserve the victory and to protect its purity, he says do not contribute with your enemies in spoiling the victory which costs us, and costs you dear blood, as the victory has been achieved by the sacrifices, we need your sacrifices to protect its luster and purity, it is not allowed to leave our enemies show our victory a victory of a sect at the expense of another sect,through making the last scenes of the war in which we win a sectarian strife.
Al Sayyed tells his followers that the scene is similar to the eve of liberation in 2000 ,when the resisters and the followers of the resistance abstain of any sectarian revenge or any deliberate behavior that reflects the boast of the winners, the pride of the strong, and the transcendence of the victorious," be humble, keep your victory by ignoring the provocations " you will pass by the homes where there are murders of the groups of the traitor Antoine Lahd, you will hear the insult, your weapon is in your hands, so lower your heads for the scene of death and be deaf to the insults" these were his recommendations to the resisters at that time, and now they are similar, an expression of a pure nationalism, a superiority over the partisanships, but it is also a war plan and a road map for the completion of the victory. The sacrifices of making victory are measured by blood, and the sacrifices for achieving it are measured by tears, tears of pain for those who bear the provocation,repress the rage, and disregard for the abuse. Today we want our victory to be for all the Lebanese, Syrians, Arabs, Muslims, and Christians over the terrorism and its supporters, we refuse to allow our enemies to turn it into a victory of a sect against a sect, we have to succeed as we succeeded in 2000 by presenting our victory a victory for all the Lebanese, Arabs, Muslims, and Christians, a victory on the occupation, injustice, and aggression, and prevention of our enemies from turning it into a victory of a sect against another sect.
The speech of Al Sayyed to his followers, do not listen to the talk about the seventh of May, by repeating it behind your enemies, who need to be reminded of in order to provoke an audience whom he sees defeated and sees that their campaign against us is unjust, remember that today we are stronger than to be in need of a new seventh of May, because they are weaker than to think of new fifth of May, that time has become far from us, so do not allow them to borrow it from the memory, in order to mobilize an audience which they prevent us from asking about the interest of Lebanon in the killing of the Lebanese, therefore, do not allow them to tempt you with a scene of power that is less than your current potential one in order to drag you toward pride and boasting, be consider that neither the insult is a resistance' attribute, nor the obscenity is its language, be at the level of the victory which looms before you, keep the achievements of the smaller jihad by your bigger jihad, it is the self-restraint in order to keep its sublimity and highness.
Translated by LinaShehadeh,
2016-03-06 | عدد القراءات 1832