Nasser Kandil wrote: The Russian Syrian dispute


  • The opponents of Syria and its enemies are dealing with duplicity with what seemed that they are controversial titles between Moscow and Damascus, on one hand they say that Syria has become a Russian colony, and on the other hand they make use of the dispute to say that Russia has sold Syria and has agreed with the Americans at the expense of Syria.
  • If Russia has the Syrian decision, then it does not need to talk about its protest to the elections which the Syrian President has called for after a month, but it is enough to say in secret to be obeyed in public, and if it does not have the decision, then it does not have the ability to have an understanding with the American without the acceptance of the Syrian country.
  • It is certain that the Russian speech about the federalism does not appeal the Syrian country.
  • It is certain that the call of the Syrian country to the elections does not meet Moscow’s acceptance.
  • It is certain the fighting of Syria and Russia together is a resolves matter between the two partners.
  • It is certain that this partnership is strengthened by the disparities which are dictated by the different position of each one of them, Russia which proved its status as a superpower and which is involved in showing some kind of neutrality, while Syria is involved in its independence. Proving Russia as a superpower is a power to Syria, and proving the independence to Syria is a power to Russia.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,                                                                                                 


2016-03-07 | عدد القراءات 1968