Dotting the I’S & Crossing the T’S Why weapons were embargoed to reach the armies of Lebanon, Iraq, and Libya?

Written by Nasser Kandil,

Without attention, the situation of three Arab countries which are under the Western umbrella practically and which face the presence of terrorism and its dangers widely shares the suffering of obtaining the appropriate weapons and ammunition to win in their open wars against terrorist organizations. The west says that it is afraid of its expansion so as not to affect its security, knowing that daily the Western media means are filled enough with to understand the size of concerns which are being given to the public opinion in the western countries of panic represented by this terrorism, which gets through strange incomprehensive ways and raises enough legitimate questions to strike wherever it wants, and whenever and however it wants equipped with combating expertise and intelligence information in addition to the new modern weapons, even an American report talked about the danger of possessing  a nuclear weapon by ISIS after possessing a chemical one.

The Iraqi army which constitutes a full American product, it always receives  the American criticism and objections for its performance, it receives the successive accusations of inability, weakness, and incompetence, even when it achieves an accomplishment, they minimize the importance of what was achieved, however what is important is that the Iraqi army is deprived of the qualitative weapon by which it can achieve qualitative rapid accomplishments in a war which it wages and presents sacrifices to win in it, the planes which Iraq has bought from America two years ago did not find their way to Bagdad yet and  the possessing of modern tanks and qualitative heavy artillery as well as many of the electronic qualitative equipments can change entirely the course of war as Iraqis say, but the shy American plea is the fear of the arrival of the modern weapon to the popular crowd, or the reaching of its secrets to Iran, in contrast, Iraq does  not alternate or verify of its weapon from other sources than America, because the ruling political decision in Iraq is in favor of an equation of mono-American weapon to prevent the wrath of Washington.

In Lebanon, the western talk is increased about the concern of weapon of Hezbollah as a resistance force, the West knows that the presence of strong Lebanese army that is equipped with qualitative modern weapon allows it to make a balance that does not eliminate the need for the resistance weapon, but it makes the mission of that weapon for the cases of deterrence and confrontation in the state of war. In confrontation with the terrorism this weapon provides an opportunity for the Lebanese army to take upon itself the military resolving against the groups which scattered in the eastern of Lebanon inside the Lebanese territory and on its borders. Despite that, the west claims that the problem is in funding the cost of that weapon, and suddenly the money which over years it was said that it will undertake to solve the problem has become an issue of embargo after the Saudi decision of preventing these donations which were dedicated for this weapon, the plea is a Saudi wrath of Hezbollah!

In Libya despite the mess left by the western intervention after a fierce war to overthrow the Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, and despite the apparent role of the west in bringing the terrorist formations to Libya, the Libyan army has prepared itself to fight the terrorism and has proved and now is proving its eligibility every day in achieving the accomplishments against the terrorism, and despite that the developments that are revolving about the intervention of troops led by Italy to confront the threat of the terrorism, it is enough to arm and equip the army to take over the mission, but the plea legally is technical, because the taken decision of embargoing selling the weapon to Libya is still in force, but what is worse is that the formation of a government that includes Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda group in order to satisfy Turkey is an adequate reason to cancel the embargo on the Libyan army!

The west is feigning crying on how to wage the war on terrorism through the gates of Lebanon, Iraq, and Libya, it fears of the wining of the Syrian army in Syria, the talk is much about the importance of the ground war for the final wining on terrorism, and the pillar of the ground war is armies that are ready to shed blood, but the paradox is that the armies are present and ready but…. they are embargoed from possessing weapons that they do not need assembled more than a production of one day of the US arms and ammunitions’ factories.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,



2016-03-11 | عدد القراءات 1836