Nasser Kandil wrote: Early presidential elections

  • Since the beginning of the crisis and then the war on Syria the Syrian oppositions have one slogan related to the stepping down or overthrowing the Syrian President.
  • If we recognized that the departure of the President would summarize the people revolution then how this could be?
  • In Tunisian and Egypt the demonstrations and the calls were enough reasons for the resigning of the President either out of fear or escape, because the army has abandoned him, or because the embassies have informed him of the abandonment of their capitals or for thousands of reasons, but the most important was his departure, but in Syria this did not work.
  • In Libya the foreign intervention has occurred as in Iraq before it, and has ended the matter but this did not work in Syria.
  • What is left was possible from the beginning; early presidential elections, it seems from the speech of the Syrian President clearly that he accepts them but neither the opposition has presented it nor who is behind it.
  • If the Syrian oppositions have presented early presidential elections in conditions and terms that ensure the equality of opportunities and the fairness, then many parties would win politically and would save bloods, interventions and the involvement with the terrorism and its rootedness.
  • The problem of the opposition is that it knows its people fully that they do not want it, therefore it is afraid of the word "election".

Translated by LinaShehadeh,


2016-04-02 | عدد القراءات 1798