The decision of stopping the broadcast of Al Manar TV on the Western and the Arab satellites and most recently on Nilesat in addition to the procedures of classifying it a terrorist organization, is presenting a group of points which need to be explained apart from the language which is dedicated for such an event as the solidarity, either a sense of weakness and distress by the channel's friends and its followers, or a kind of courtesy by those who do not share its position, the campaign which targeted Al Manar and still an expression of turning the war on the resistance and its center to the arena in which it has an apparent superiority that allows it to achieve easy victories without real cost, in exchange of defeats which affect it in the arenas of the military and political confrontation. Therefore we must expect that as long as the war alliance headed by Washington has decided to exclude Hezbollah of the settlements’ plans and made it the permanent title of its coming wars, since the meeting of the US President Barack Obama and the Head of the occupation government Benjamin Netanyahu six months ago, and its outcome of a decision of the comprehensive war against Hezbollah within the engagement with facts after the understanding on the Iranian nuclear file.
It must be said, despite the talking about the importance of the nations in making history and depending on them, on their capacities, and on their presence in the fields and arenas in the equations-making, the resistance as an axis does not devote for making the public opinion the importance which it deserves in the comprehensive war that raged for years between this axis and the axis of domination and the aggression which is led by the American Israeli Saudi triangle. The proof of that is not the capacities which the axis of the war on the resistance allocates comparing with what the axis of the resistance allocates of human competencies, alliances, platforms, money, and techniques but it is the ratio of what this aspect needs of capacities which each party allocates for that from the total of the capacities which the war allocates. It was not surprising that Washington and Israel allocate half of their military capacities against the resistance alliance for making and forming the public opinion, compared with what the axis of the resistance allocates of less than ten percent from the total of its capacities for the whole war, the comparison here originally is not possible between the allocated total here and the allocated total there in order to know the uneven disparity when we talk about the media, the war media, and the public opinion industry, where the intellectuals, experts, the men of the psychological warfare, the psychologists, sociologists, philosophers, media companies, the social communication means, the specialization of hundreds of satellites, hundreds of newspapers and thousands of journalists crowd, but it would be a real surprising to find that the proportion which Saudi Arabia allocates for the public opinion industry which it is led by minds that do not reach in their civilization and their coping of time and its necessities compared with the axis of the resistance which is supposed that it is aware of it and masters it more ten of times. Saudi Arabia is dealing with elites and intellectuals that are not similar to it, but it is enough for it their partnership in the hostility against whom it sees that they are its enemies, it launches professional satellites according to technical industrial and professional standards, alienates satellites that do not like its Wahhabism or others that are more extremist and bloody, it published newspapers of world class, it spent for western media newspapers and institutions, moreover it allocates budgets for the main writers of the major global newspapers as Thomas Freidman and others of his colleagues, its King as well has allocated page in his name at Twitter, but the calamity not the surprising is when we know that a new-born organization which is ISIS that is almost the first political organized force in the world in mastering the usage of the modern technologies and the public opinion-making and moving through the communication networks, here the plea of the insufficient resources is not enough because the reason is the mind which manages distributing these resources, which are the time first, then the people, then flexibility, then the money and the technologies.
Despite all of that the axis of the resistance is mastering in the media war, due to reasons that are not related to its possession of effective plan and effective vision for how to win a war, but because it depends on four force resources, First, it is an event-maker by its victories, this obliges the media means of its enemy to deal with it as an event, news and a case that cannot be ignored. Second, the eligibility of the case. Third, the credibility of the dealing with the fact and the information. Fourth and the most important is the possession of genius leaders who have stunning charisma and high credibility that you fascinate by their superiority and their charming presence comparing with the abhorrent miserable and fragile presence of the campaign of their enemies. It is enough to boast of the figure of the resistance axis from the Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov to the Iranian leadership from the Supreme Leader Seyed Ali Khamenei to the successive Presidents Ahmadinejad and Sheikh Hassan Rowhani and their Foreign Ministers and the last of them, Mohammad Javad Zarif, the Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad and his Foreign Minister Walid Mullem and the stunning figure in its influence the leader of the resistance Al Sayyed Hassan Nasrollah, in contrast it is enough to know figure as the Saudi King and his stammering whenever he talks and his Foreign Minister who became through his statements a farce for a mobile diplomacy.
This is superiority which is scientifically called " by instinct" which alerted the enemy, while its owners felt relax for its importance, knowing that they are aware that the right and the case are giving credibility for the speech, even less important methods have been settled for its promotion, we entered a new war the war of sanctions which resemble the banking sanctions but they are different, they resemble it because the regime against which they clash in the field which is based on the equation of freedom in the financial activity and in the media performance decides in certain timing to make a coup against the game laws, it allows what can deprive you of what its financial and media system provide, so you discover that you are almost uncovered, obliging financially to carry your cash money to buy the wheat, because an American decision is enough to race you in bank even in your country, you will discover that the satellites were closed in front of your TV channels, your photos were pursed in the communication networks, tomorrow your broadcasting will be prevented on internet and the day after tomorrow the Facebook and Twitter accounts which belong to your personnel will be prosecuted name by name, furthermore despite the importance of the victories in the field you will be deprived from reforming the consciousness of the public opinion according to what you mean among large audience, in this point you will wonder is this matter a mere sanction and an attempt for restricting, as the condition of the financial and banking sanctions, then the answer is that there is a difference between them, the media of the resistance especially Al Manar TV has its impact on all the Arab communities and worldwide it succeeds in creating followers and those who get influenced by the speech of the resistance and its leader such as people, classes, communities, and social environments which are not similar to the identities which the option of the resistance summarizes religiously, and ideologically. So except for the success neither the concern, nor the fear, nor the banning which goes beyond the punishment becomes a policy.
The resistance in Lebanon is the first involver of an initiative to put a plan into circulation from Moscow to Tehran to Damascus to correct the path of the media war and to reconsider the equation on which the war which is waged is based , the plan here is neither the transformation of Al Manr to the Russian Satellite nor appeals or the projects of joining the package of the Lebanese country that includes AL Manar indirectly to return to Nilesate, but it is a giant powerful plan that worthy of the resistance, its strength and what it represents , showing that it is not permissible for the resisting thought to be a hostage of criteria and standards that are settled by a corporation called Facebook which is trivial intellectually, but it includes one billion and a half connecting person, it owns alone satellites that their numbers exceed what Russia, China, and Iran have, as many others. It is a matter for wondering that there is not within the program of the axis of resistance what can operate satellites as economic gates for the investment in the telecommunications and internet markets, and to have a similar of Facebook, thus the example and competitor come from the same resource Twitter and Instagram and others.
The victory becomes conditioned by the winning in the arenas of the media technology and waging the media war with new innovative unconventional criteria that emerged from the fact that the media is an industry which must be subject to the standards of industry.
# Consolidated_ with_ Al Manar
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2016-04-23 | عدد القراءات 1976