- The group of Riyadh claims that it is the force which represents the Syrian people or their overwhelming majority, it insists on linking any solution for the Syrian crisis with the stepping down of the President, but it does not have any answer for the question, why did not it make its slogan from the beginning the early presidential elections under UN auspices and the guarantees of neutrality and impartiality, if it did that, it would save the blood of its people, and if it did not it would obtain the legality of its war.
- The only response which is provided is that the group knows that it does not have what is in conformity with its claims popularly, and the resorting to the judgment of people will be its scandal, so it hides a resonant scandal with a scandal of less importance, by escaping from any solution that includes elections.
- Militarily the group of Riyadh knows that alienating Al Nusra of ISIS and preventing classifying it as terrorism is by the Turkish Saudi Israeli announced made that got the French acceptance and some kind of the American acceptance, on the basis of the admission that the group of Riyadh does not represent anything serious militarily.
- By refusing classifying Al Nusra as a terrorist organization, the group of Riyadh admits of its military inability, and contributes in strengthening an alternative of it, it is a scandal but it is less than the scandal of the admission of the inability and being marginal.
- The group of Riyadh is a political and military mask that is worn by others.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2016-04-26 | عدد القراءات 1863