Sykes-Picot centenary -2-
Written by Nasser Kandil,
The assessment of the strategic moment of the new division projects, and what they represent of offensive project that is resulting from the sources of the emerging force that is carried and possessed by the Western project, or what they represent of defensive projects that are resulting from the starting of the demise of that project through knowing its points of weakness and the failure of its policies are depending on estimating whether the attempt to divide the entities which resulted from Sykes Picot Agreement and turn into homelands for their people have the feature of the national country, thus it is the sign of the satisfaction of the owners of the foreign hegemony project on the countries of the Levant toward what they have done hundred years ago and their intention to move a further step forward to ensure more of fragmentation and domination, or the choice of dividing the divided is an outcome of certainty and estimation of the inability to bear the consequences of the failure of Sykes Picot formula by protecting the western interests and achieving the goals which were set for it, and the attempt to search for alternatives that are more effective to achieve these goals.
2016-05-21 | عدد القراءات 2256