Nasser Kandil wrote: Post-Oglu phase

  • It is not possible for anyone who is antedating the era of the rule of the Justice and Development Party in Turkey to ignore the role which was played by two important figures in the rise of the leadership of Recep Erdogan, they are Davutoglu and Abdullah Gul.
  • Erdogan has moved toward the leadership through the quiet role of the two men who have hided the irritability, nervousness, effervescence, paranoia, and thug as repulsive features that lead to many losses and which are summarized in the personality of Erdogan.
  • The personality of Gul was balanced and restraint of the gusts of Erdogan against the military and the judiciary; the secular symbols of Turkey and its relation with the West and the segments of the society which are far from the thought of the Muslim Brotherhood which is led by Erdogan.
  • The personality of Oglu has provided a theoretical and a political vision for the era of the ruling of the Party, it is title from the beginning was the openness to neighborhood under the slogan of zero hostilities, and later the new Ottoman, making use of the Arab Spring in favor of a spring for the Muslim Brotherhood.
  • It is no longer important to interpret the terms and the conditions of the absence of the two men of the political scene, because the important is that they became outside the image.
  • Certainly the exit of Davutoglu and Abdullah Gul has been accomplished by a plan of Erdogan to take exclusive possession of leadership, and to have a dominance on the party and on the country in conditions of degradation and declining in the status of Turkey and his need for whom bears the burdens with him.
  • The departure of Oglu and Gul are signs of the near end.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,



2016-05-24 | عدد القراءات 2106