- After a day of Jordan’s bombings, the bombings in Turkey occurred and killed dozens of martyrs and wounded of policemen and civilians.
- Despite the attempt of the Turkish government to charge the Kurdistan Workers’ Party with the bombings, but well informed sources say that the branches of Al-Qaeda have integrated enough in the Turkish society, thus they became a source of big security anxiety.
- It is known that Ankara supports Al-Nusra, it waged a battle on the borders to alienate ISIS away from Mare’ and Azaz to protect the supply line of Al-Nusra towards Aleppo, and that ISIS is facing a battle with the Kurds under an American support, so it asked for Turkish support to confront one enemy, but Ankara did not respond for fear of angering the Americans.
- It is known that ISIS is under the pressure of the American bombing and the attack of Al Raqqa, so it moved to Mare’ and Azaz, but the Turkish defiance was the reason of the failure, and that the attack of Manbej is exerting pressure on it in the eastern countryside of Aleppo, while Al Raqqa is attacked in the north and in the south by the Syrian army and the Kurds.
- The bombing is a message from ISIS that says the cost of Turkish disruption of the expansion of ISIS in the eastern countryside will be the security of Turkey.
- ISIS is a Turkish force that has the support of 5% of the Turks according to statistics, which means five million Turks.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2016-06-08 | عدد القراءات 2184