Nasser Kandil wrote: Dissident diplomats

  • Despite the confirmed information about the role of the Saudi funding in collecting the signatures on the document which the American current and former diplomats have signed on it asking the US President Barack Obama for a military action against Syria, and the nominating of these diplomats by the dissidents by the US Secretary of State John Kerry, it seems that the document was under the knowledge of Obama and Kerry and their approvals.
  • The administration of Obama and Kerry lives under the pressure of its inability to fulfill the commitments which it has taken upon itself to have an understanding with Moscow, in order to dismantle the engagement between Al Nusra Front and the militants that are affiliated to the opposition, and its need in return for quick understandings in Syria that allow achieving accomplishments in confronting ISIS, where America appears at their forefront before the elections.
  • The administration of Obama failed in having a negotiation with Moscow and in the search for understandings without justifying their inability in a logical convincing way, it needs an excuse that justifies its escalation and weakness in confronting the Saudi and the Turkish positions.
  • The only excuse is that the administration is under an internal pressure due to the description of its understandings with Moscow of failure, so it resists these pressures but it needs Russian flexibility that strengthens it to be able to confront.
  • Washington seeks for making use of the presidential elections and the document and what accompanied them to get concessions.
  • Moscow has done well by ignoring and the violent response.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,

2016-06-20 | عدد القراءات 2453