Nasser Kandil wrote: Al-Assad & the army

  • The occasion of the presence of the President Bashar Al-Assad at Al Iftar with the officers and the soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army shows the particular status of the army at the conscience and the mind of the President Al-Assad.
  • In many similar occasions Al-Assad is keen to distinguish the soldiers, the officers, the martyrs, and the families of the martyrs from the other segments of the society.
  • The war in Syria imposes a particular status and a value for the armies and the martyrs in the public conscience of the Syrian people. The President expresses this status at the mouthpiece of his people.
  • Everyone who observes the biography of the President Al-Assad will discover that the matter is temporally prior and emotionally and intellectually deeper.
  • The Israeli reports before the war say that Al-Assad was spending two-thirds of his time and effort with the army.
  • Al-Assad has rearmed, training, and restructuring the army after its withdrawal from Lebanon as an opportunity for returning the army to its original mission as a combatant army.
  • When the President Al-Assad talks, his interlocutor discovers a deep rank of the army in his political philosophy as a cross-regions, communities, ethnics body and a structure that protects the national unity, represents it and forms a social party for the issues of the unity, the national security, and the civil state.
  • After the war the army will have a role with Al-Assad in an intellectual cultural building for the new unified Syria and a combating superior role within the option of the resistance and the liberation.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,


2016-06-28 | عدد القراءات 2194