Written by Nasser Kandil,
It does not matter what the sticklers and the refusals say about the reading of what is going on around the world and what the region is witnessing and will witness, it is not useful as well to waste time and effort to convince them that the world and the region are entering a new phase, folding a quarter of a century that was opened by the fall of Berlin wall and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and in which there were projects of sharing the legacy of the patient man, as has happened between the First and the Second World Wars through sharing the Ottoman and the German legacy respectively, but this time the Soviet empire has fallen without war and without multi-sources or different-identities alliance that waged the war to overthrow them, but a coherent alliance has been formed under a leadership that is dedicated to Washington to wage the wars of inheritance, thus in the Eastern Europe the first war arena has been formed across Yugoslavia to the neighborhood of Russia, and a war project has been formed in the Middle East, it started in the Gulf by besieging Iraq, waiting for the cleanness of Europe from the remnants of the Soviet phase in order to start two big wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, that having control over the sources of the energy and its pathways, as was stated in the US energy document that is approved in 2000 in the Congress, as well as the operations zone that stretches from the basin of the Caspian Sea to the Gulf and the Mediterranean and the Black Seas, it is notable that this is the region which the Syrian President has called the five seas countries adding to it the Red Sea.
The European Union has constituted the starboard which was born in the confines of this imperial project and it has one goal that translates the triangular function which is represented by besieging Russia and obliging it to get the oil and gas at cheap prices and to ensure its smooth flow, competing China industrially on the basis of the cheap labor from the Eastern Europe and the cheap energy in exchange of having control of the price and the flow of the gas and oil to China, sticking to the Middle East as a major consumption market the decides the fate of the industrial forces, in addition to sticking to the Middle East to impose a regional security system that is led by Israel in accordance with the proposal of the Israeli President at that time Shimon Peres of the Great Middle East and the concept of the major Israel which is leading economically and security through a peace process that meets the Israeli conditions by hitting the resistance in Lebanon, in addition to surround and subdue Syria and Iran, thus in addition to the European Union the Turkish Saudi Israeli triangular has been formed, therefore, the plans changed according to the variables of the open war which are separated apparently but coherent in the strategic visions which are sticking to one leadership, but the titles remain themselves, how can Europe win in Crimea, because Ukraine summarizes the future of Russia, its position, and the market of the European gas, and how can Turkey launch its project of the new Ottoman that meets the Islamic heritage in a way that gets the satisfaction of the West and gets an alliance with Israel, furthermore, how can Saudi Arabia lead the Arab World, and how can it oblige the defiance and the resistance sites in it by the force of Al-Qaeda organization and its multi branches, or by the force of the oil’ s money and its accounts, and if necessary by the deterrent wars to discipline who wants to rebel.
It is not mere a temporal absurd coincidence that the failure of the Saudi decisive storm in Yemen, despite the stumbling of the political process and the admission of the world of the impossibility of achieving a decisive military victory there meets the European failure in Crimea and the dispersion of the illusion of the Ottoman sultanate, with the sequence of the stumbles from the fall of the Muslim Brotherhood project in each on Egypt, Tunisia, and finally Yemen and specially in Syria, It is not a coincidence as well that the fate of these three dimensions is determined with the association to the fate of the Saudi leadership and the Ottoman sultanate and the endeavors of resizing the Russian position in the ongoing war on Syria, and it is not a coincidence that the war plans and the negotiations about the future of the resistance and through it the future of the security of Israel and the future of the war are linked with the negotiation about Iran and its nuclear file, and implicitly its regional position, as well the future of the Russian leadership and the size of the admission of its partnership in the international politics in this war in Syria, till it seemed that Crimea war was born is Syria because of Moscow’s position about what is going on in Syria and as a punishment for this position, but it resolved in Syria through its double stability on the position, as in the case of the nuclear program of Iran which its negotiations have been suspended according to the stopwatch of the expectations of the war in Syria. Then they were released at the rhythm of its developments.
The collapse of the European Union as a political strategic project from the gate of the British withdrawal is a collapse of Crimea Empire through its symbolic position in the war and the decisiveness in it, moreover the fall of the sultanate of illusion by the dramatic steps which the Turks know that when their president RecepErdogan undertaken them means an admission of the fall of the project of the new Ottoman and a repositioning on the banks of the small Turkish country comparing with the illusion of the Sultanate, and redrawing the policies on the real basis through normalizing the relationships with Israel and Russia, and the seek for a reconciliation with Iran and Egypt and later with Syria, as the journalists and the analysts who are closer to Erdogan say on the satellites funded by Saudi Arabia in a remarkable way, in addition to the fall of the decisive storm. These are the signs of the end of imperial war which started in Yugoslavia a quarter of a century ago, and which Syria was the last and the toughest arenas of its wars and still.
A little bit of verification and deliberation in the reading will lead to be assured that many developments and variables that are similar to what was after the First and the Second World Wars and what was beyond the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the unification of Germany to lead the project of the European Union are still waiting to be emerged, but they do not predict of their occurrence, because we are in the heart of the earthquake and the flood, and because similar to them are only occurred without predicting of a date or a form, a size, ora range of their occurrence, we are just in the beginning.
Translated by LinaShehadeh,
2016-06-30 | عدد القراءات 2411