Nasser Kandil wrote: Mahmoud Abbas did it

  • No one can explain the reason of the meeting of the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas with Mariam Rajavi who has held a conference against Iran in Paris; it was attended by all Israel’s advocates at their forefront John Bolton. It included calls for a regional cooperation against Iran; it was led by the sponsor of the conference Turki Al Faisal who is leading the Saudi Israeli normalization.
  • No one expect that Abbas can be a resistor, but it is impossible to find a reason for the dealing with the helpless rotting corpses that have no future but the bad smell, while the meaning of the interest and the opportunism  is that a country such as America is distancing in order not to bother Iran.
  • It is known that the meeting was an improvement of the image with Saudi Arabia while it is a distortion of the image of the Palestinians and presenting the loyalty and the obedience to the Saudis to a humiliated limit away from any political consideration.
  • The late Yasser Arafat was keen on best relationships with the Saudis, but he considered the dignity of the cause which he represented, and the Saudis did not dare to ask such a kind of a humiliation to Palestine from him.
  • Mahmoud Abbas has committed something more dangerous than bothering Iran, thus he caused harm to Palestine through his appearance in a manner that the small mercenaries of Saudi Arabia have avoided to accept it.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,


2016-08-02 | عدد القراءات 2272