- For the first time in Washington’s history the Republican candidate is no longer a center of the bet of its allies who were affected by the settlements which related historically to the rule of the Democrats.
- The unstable personality of Donald Trump is an example of the US political confusion in which the options of the war which were traditionally a part of the Republican’s rhetoric get narrow.
- The choice of Washington’s allies is confined between the dealing with the choice of Obama’s administration and the identification of its requirements or the bet on the passing of time till the opportunity of the arrival of the Democratic candidate Hilary Clinton occurs.
- Clinton presents an example of the political opportunism, she has signed the project of the war on Syria since she was a Secretary of State, and today she says that she will put her importance for a solution in Syria where there is no place for the president.
- Al Nusra Front is the only alternative to cooperate with the Syrian army under the title of the war on ISIS. Al Nusra is a Saudi Israeli option which Obama is afraid of and which is favored by Clinton, she gets its cost, just for that the name is being changed. The US Minister of Defense who was promised to stay in his position with Clinton announces a special interest in the Southern of Syria where the security of Israel is.
- Clinton is a Saudi Israeli option that exploits the status of America, while Obama and Kerry are American option that takes into consideration the interests of Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2016-08-04 | عدد القراءات 2281