Nasser Kandil wrote: Turkey between Russia and Iran

  • It is hard to believe the talk about the marginal fate of the war in Syria on the Turkish’s agenda, as it is hard to believe that the war was a secondary subject in the Turkish talks with both of the Russians and the Iranians.
  • It is hard to believe that the crisis in the Turkish Russian relations and the Turkish Iranian relations has been occurred as a result of something other than the dispute about the war in Syria.
  • The Turkish economic relations with Russia and Iran under a severe crisis which is experienced by the economic are papers of power in favor of Russia and Iran to exert pressure on Turkey, just for that they were disabled during this dispute, and it is not understood their return strongly and powerfully, but just to meet the Turkish need and an expression of understandings.
  • It is not a coincidence that the Turkish Iranian meeting has occurred after the visit of the Turkish President to Moscow, and that the Turkish statements have ended with the announcement of understandings about Syria that will help in the political solution.
  • Everything says that Turkey has made a major change in its policy toward Syria; its title is what the Turks have repeated once again about the priority of sticking to the unity of Turkey and the prevention of forming a bordered Kurdish entity.
  • The war on terrorism and the resorting to the ballot boxes is the title of the understandings about Syria which will emerge successively.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,



2016-08-14 | عدد القراءات 2097