- The talk about the Russian American understanding regarding Syria is moving up and down but it is not interrupted, the escalation Hardly prevails in the rhetoric, when there is something issued that states that the dialogue has not stopped and that there is a progress in the discussions or there is a call that has been made at the levels of the two Foreign Ministers, thus the dialogue was positive about Syria.
- There are mysterious signs of the understanding in the Russian Turkish relationships as well as between Turkey and Iran.
- Surely Russia and Iran want to reach to the understandings with the most important countries in the war on Syria but they do not fall in the illusions and the deception, because they are aware of the importance of time and clarity.
- Neither Moscow nor Tehran can grant Washington and Ankara opportunities at the expense of the war’s course in Syria.
- The understandings do not revolve around sudden coup in the positions toward the war and are not related to the attempt of changing Washington and Ankara’s positions toward the Syrian President.
- The aspects of research are the closure of the Turkish borders, the partnership in the war on Al Nusra after changing its name and considering it a terrorism clearly, as well as resolving the matter by putting those who do not disengage with it from the armed groups on the terrorism lists, and linking any understanding on the Syrian presidency with the agreement of the Syrians or through the results of the ballot boxes.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2016-08-21 | عدد القراءات 2391