Nasser Kandil wrote: The Turkish Kurdish scandals

  • Within hours ISIS has vacated Jarablos the Syrian bordered city, in order to let the groups that carry the flags of the Free Army, which most of them are from the infantry and the Turkish special units enter to it in a notorious theatrical way.
  • ISIS has fought in Manbej for sequent months despite the intensive American raids and desperate attempts from the Kurdish units.
  • The Turkish incursion to prevent the Kurdish progress towards the borders on one hand, and to prevent the connection of the Kurdish areas on the other hand is an announced goal for Ankara, but it exposes the nature of the relationship between Turkey and ISIS, and confirms that despite the processes of ISIS in Turkey the rendition and the extradition is still possible between them.
  • Turkey has given ISIS areas that their recapturing by negotiation and the military show seems easy.
  • The Turkish scandal does not eliminate that the actual confrontation will be between the Kurdish units and the Turks face-to-face with the presence of a décor entitled the Free Army, its field will be Manbej and Al Bab.
  • Alarming the Kurds of withdrawing to the east of Euphrates is agreed by the government and the opposition in Turkey.
  • The American will be obliged to give up of protecting the project of the territorial contiguity of the Kurdish areas, and in return the Kurdish units will be obliged to respond.
  • The scandal of the Kurdish protection units is by receiving the US instructions to withdraw and implementing them in exchange of rebelling against the Syrian army and fighting it.


Translated by Lina Shehadeh,




2016-08-26 | عدد القراءات 1834