American Saudi Turkish statement of account: Darya, Jizan, and Hasaka…and the high interests

Written by Nasser Kandil,

The Yemeni crisis and the discussion of the speech of the team of Mansour Hadi cannot be seen without seeing the implications of its relation with Saudi Arabia, as for the speech of the Syrian coalition and its relation with the Turkish Saudi bilateral, and as for the speech of the Kurdish protection units and its relation with the US position. The Kurdish protection committees have refused to behave as a Syrian component in the Hasaka’s crisis despite the history of the cooperation with the Syrian army; it has given the priority to its relation with the Americans. Whatever these committees talk today about their criticism to the Syrian army, it would be better to keep silent because they decided voluntarily to burn the bridges, and to link their fate with the bet on the American promises of protection and care, and have submitted to them. So they have not the right to claim of any criticism against the Syrian army in justifying their disillusioned bet, after the Americans have sold them to the Turks and have treated them in a humiliating way as a follower that receives the orders from the platforms, as has happened with the US Vice President Joe Biden and his talk about obliging the protection units to withdraw to the east of the Euphrates.

As the protection units, the Syrian opposition coalition does not have the right to talk after what has happened in Darya of sufferings. Neither did they say that what they made as a revolution was a bet on the United Nations in order to blame them today, nor did they say that they aspired from the Syrian army to respect the international laws. They accused it and the regime but that did not add anything to what they say today about threatening of destruction and killing the civilians as an interpretation of surrender. They have built their equation on their capacities to wage a war that ends with victory. They say that the world is oblivious to them and that the regime which they fight does not take into consideration the international laws, the taboos, or the human rights. Their bet was on their alliances and their considerations. What have fallen in Darya in particular were their bets, alliances, and considerations, so they have to pay the cost of what they have done in Darya and for its people. What they have done today was attainable a year or two years or three years ago. But they have not done that, they have accumulated the matters because they have bets, considerations, and alliances not because they were surprised today by what they call the unmerciful regime, or by what they call the absence of the United Nations.

 As the Kurdish protection committees and the Syrian coalition , after two years of killing, devastation and destruction in Yemen the group of Mansour Hadi accepted the plan of the US Secretary of State John Kerry because their Saudi master has accepted it before, its content is a unified Yemeni government which was asked by the negotiators  of the National Forces in Yemen, so the Foreign Minister of Mansour Hadi Abdul Malik Al- Mikhlafi has responded saying: we do not promise you of anything and we will not discuss anything before yielding the arms and the withdrawal from the cities , otherwise we could give the prize of the coup and legitimized it. But suddenly after the American Saudi instructions the matter becomes acceptable under the slogan of stopping shedding the blood of the Yemenis and facilitating the access to the political solution, so did their conscience awaken suddenly? Or was it a tragic fall of a missed nationalism or a nonexistent feeling of the suffering of the Yemeni people and a humiliating subordination to external decision and money?

These are examples of the subordination of the players who wear the dress of the issues of their people to an external decision which does not assess their value or consideration; it treats them as holders of the flags of their countries to move against the armies of their countries. The protection units hold the Kurdish flag where the American wants to send its troops; the coalition holds the distorted Syrian flag where the Turkish wants to send its armies, while the group of Mansour Hadi holds the Yemeni flag where the Saudi wants to move its army. But they are examples of achieving crucial moments in the wars which are taking place in the region, where the margins of the maneuvers are blocked to save face, so the bigger player is forced to sacrifice with the smaller player and the smaller is forced to sacrifice with the smallest. So when the Saudi and the Turkish show their inability to achieve in Syria and Yemen, the American sell them and does not save their faces, it does not even mind to cooperate directly with the Kurds and Al Houthis from behind the back of Turkey and Saudi Arabia, but when the American agrees with the Russian and the Iranian, it neither keeps a seat nor saves- face for the Saudi and the Turkish. So when the interests of Turkey are threatened of the danger of the emergence of Kurdish security bordered line, it does not take into account any free army, coalition, Darya, or Aleppo, as well as when Saudi Arabia is threatened of the appropriation of the Yemenis of their occupied bordered provinces which are under the control of Saudi Arabia as Jizan, Najran, and Asir, there is no longer a value for neither Mansour Hadi nor his government nor Taiz nor Sanaa, Saudi Arabia will submit to the US initiative because the higher interest is the most important.

When the falls and the defeats start, it is easy to throw the ball of responsibility, because the defeat is orphan and it is easy to adopt the victory, however the matter needs examination in order to discover from the decadent discourse and the stammering language the size of the big change which has just started and which will continue occurring repeatedly and accumulate till it becomes a snowball where no one will have the ability to stop it, because the major  transitions do not occur but just like that.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,


2016-08-27 | عدد القراءات 2392