- Nothing can change the actual value of the document of the Syrian opposition which was announced in London, whether what was said about it by the Foreign ministers of Western or Arab countries a praise or glorification, because the talk about realism and the value has conditions and standards that are not made by the protocol qualifications of the flatterers but by the quality of their arguments and their reasons.
- The fundamental in the document is that it based on a negotiating solution not on a ruling formula which its owners try to make by the force of the military control, whether by the ability of its owners or by depending on an external force.
- What has happened in Iraq after the US invasion was similar to the content of the document of the Syrian opposition; the forming of a transitional ruling council in Iraq is similar to what is suggested by the document of a transitional ruling body, even the ones who read the document will say that Paul Bremer is its writer.
- The arrival politically to a transitional ruling body needs an international negotiation for the issuance of a resolution from the Security Council under the Chapter VII, so is there any opportunity for that now after it was not available before through a partnership with Russia according to the owners of the document?
- All the variables make what was difficult two years ago impossible now, so where is the realism?
- The document is ridiculous and the owners of the document are crazy or imbeciles.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2016-09-10 | عدد القراءات 2210