Written by Nasser Kandil,
The Americans circulate in their accumulative experience with the profession of brainwashing, spreading the terminology, and propagandizing them on promoting the equation as long as they resort to it to cover their crimes. They said: after the two wars of Afghanistan and Iraq and their responsibility for killing and the displacement of millions that Afghanistan has become better without Taliban, and that Iraq has become better without Sadam Husein, after the Arab Spring they said that Libya is better without the Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. Their dream was to witness Syria a ruin and to stand on its remains and the corpses of the victims to say that Syria has become better without the President Bashar Al-Assad. The goal of this equation is to mobilize the memory of those who do not want the previous situation within the context of not being able to say that no, it is not true, the situation was better before. So today who dare in Iraq, Libya, or in Afghanistan to say to the Americans that despite of all the death, the rampant terrorism, and the chaos that controls everything, yes, the situation was not good or ideal with Taliban nor with Saddam Husein nor with Muammar Gaddafi, where the evaluation of the eras of those is worth a separate search, but it is certain that the situation is not better with your false and hypocrite efforts and endeavors in the name of the human rights, democracy, preventing the weapons of mass destruction and combating the terrorism.
The US President stood the day before yesterday to say that the situation after the end of the Cold War has become better and safer, he added, the threat of the nuclear confrontation and the major wars has gone, the democracies have spread and doubled. He supposed that the whole world must stand and clap for the philosopher of his era and the maker of the peace miracles Barack Obama. But before discussing what Obama wants us to be convinced with without discussion, and before he gets our acceptance for it as conjecture and axiom that are not subject to discussion around the safest world, it is our right to ask; the end of the Cold War is the accomplishment which Obama wanted us to be boast of as a title for thirty years of the global politics. So can Obama after the world has become at the hands of the government of his country which celebrates its victory on having control over the world and calls it the completion of the end of the Cold War, while it meant by the end of the Cold War its success in dismantling the Soviet Union and the collapse of status of Russia as a superpower that participates with America and competes it for the leadership of the world, to tell us that his government is the global government for three decades, so what has prevented it from resolving the oldest unresolved issue for seventy years; the Palestinian Cause. The failure here is earlier and later of the Cold War, it is due to a famous saying of Obama commenting on the refusal of the Head of the government of the cobweb; Benjamin Netanyahu the project of the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for peace by saying I will not exert pressure on Netanyahu.
In return how it became possible to accept Iran having a nuclear program after sanctions and siege for three decades, in conditions which were possible to accept them without affliction, dislodgment and the starvation of millions of the Iranians, and how Cuba which was under siege for half a century ago as the plague of the American continent has become possible to be coexisted with it in conditions that were available always. Why did not that happen but only after the Cold War has returned, and was it necessary this torture for the Cubans, till the return of the Cold War imposes the openness on them. The talk about its return is of US origin and from the center of Obama administration commenting on the return of Russia strongly to the international arena. So if we consider the peace achievements of Obama and the government of his country as the understanding with Iran and the openness on Cuba, we will notice that it is due to the return of the Cold War and not for its end. Thus the first conclusion is that Israel remained above law before and after the Cold War, and that the US protection for its crimes and occupation was not because of the war on the communism and the need for its military and geographical position, where the US openness and the adoption of the language of negotiation, politics, and diplomacy were not in the American dictionary in the time of the rise of the American power and its uniqueness, but this emergence has been linked with the retreat of this power and the return of Russia to emerge as a rising power, and what the Americans have described it as the return of the Cold War.
In discussing the words of Obama about a safer world with the end of the Cold War, we have to put aside the myth that dismantling the Soviet Union, and defaming the status of Russia have formed a guarantee that there is no a nuclear war. From one hand the mutual deterrence has formed and forms the guarantee for not occurring such of this war. On the other hand, the danger of using the nuclear weapons in the phase of chaos after the disintegration of the countries of the former Soviet Union was bigger than the phase of the sticking to the decision of using this weapon within the major equation of the a strong coherent superpower, and according to what was issued by US reports in the nineties that reflect this concern, in addition to the public statements of the US officials. On the other hand the nuclear weapons have not been used but only when America monopolized using it without control, as has happened in the Second World War. So if the world has to be concerned then it has to worry whenever America approaches from restoring this uniqueness. In comparison the security of the world between the Cold War which ended with the fall of Berlin wall and the Cold War which returned with the storm of Sukhoi it is enough to compare the reports of the United Nations about the numbers of the victims of the wars which America has ignited, most recently is the wars of what it called the Arab Spring, the numbers of the refugees, and the ratio of the extremism and the terrorism. They are according to the admission of the US officials of American industry par excellence according to the theory of let your enemy kills your other enemy because you do not have the ability to make blood, while both of them have. The US National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski in the eighties has formed Al Qaeda organization on basis of this theory with the cooperation with Bandar Bin Sultan to confront the Soviet entry to Afghanistan. The American long film is still continuous.
Quite simply, Obama can ask the housewives in the world about comparing their feeling of security and the familial, social, and financial security between the seventies and nowadays. The phase of the Cold War and the phase of its end, the answer will be O those days, the salary had a value, the family had a value, the morals had a value, the security had a value, the education had a value, the music, singing, festivals and weddings had value, and the philosophy, politics, press, and religion had value, because what has won with the end of the Cold War is the US phase, the time of corruption and drugs, the trivial music and the low art, the moral deviations, the mythical superstitions have won on religions, the death on life, the chaos on stability, hatred on love, the propaganda on philosophy, the fraud on seriousness and productivity, the empty appearances on education, learning, and sticking to values, the dead individualism on the spirit of the familial, national and humanitarian community. The luxury and the extravagance have won on the conviction, the joy, the arrogance and the boast on doing good and humility. All of these are achievements that Obama can impute to the era in which his country leads the world, even the beauty standards of the supermodels and the culture of Hollywood triumphed over the spirit of feminism, so are these the sources to say that the world has become better, nicer, or safer, or a source of confidence, hope, and optimism?
The gorgeousness and the hope of goodness will return to the world because the Cold War is recurrent Mr. Obama.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2016-09-25 | عدد القراءات 2498