- It is enough to see the crying in the royal bureaus of the Princes and the King due to the US law which will block the assets, the decline of the oil prices, and the refusal of Iran to extend a lifeline to Bin Saud as well as the collapse of the stock exchanges and their prices.
- It is enough that the only statement of solidarity which Riyadh found in the ordeal of the US law has come from Moscow, while the second statement may come from Tehran, where there is no voice from the West that saves a kingdom that has allocated its money for their policies.
- Saad Al-Hariri comes to Beirut after long waiting for royal solutions for his financial crises, or an inspiration to move in the presidential crisis, as the return of an immigrant son to his family bankrupt and searching for a status and a role after he filled them while he was in the exile with arrogance and conceit.
- The origin of the Saudi decease is Yemeni, the kingdom has waged a war of breaking the bones of the Yemenis with all its determination, and it has allocated its money, and has devoted its oil for the war of prices to cause the bankruptcy of Iran and Russia. Today it is crying for its bankruptcy and it appeals the support from Moscow and Tehran.
- The search is revolving about a Yemeni settlement that meets many of Al Houthis’ conditions; Oman is playing the role of the mediator, while Saudi Arabia is searching for a solution for its dilemma.
- Yemen is the bedroom of Saudi Arabia; it has become the bedroom of its nightmares instead of its dreams.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2016-10-02 | عدد القراءات 1698