- The New York Times has published an audio recording of the talks that Kerry has hold in New York with an expanded delegation of the opposition, Kerry's speech included an announcement of the inability of any military support for the war, the legitimacy of the Russian role, and about one solution, which it is an alternative of a war that will terminate completely the opposition.
- The suggested solution by Kerry is the acceptance of the opposition to dismantle every association with Al Nusra, and to participate in a unified government under the presidency of the Syrian President towards presidential elections under international guarantees to compete democratically the President Bashar Al-Assad.
- After weeks of Kerry’s speech and the waving of non-diplomatic options by the White House, in addition to Kerry’s threat of stopping the cooperation with Russia and the progress of the Syrian army in the Eastern of Aleppo, Kerry returned to communicate with Lavrov asking for cease-fire.
- Syria’s equation is either a war in which everyone participates against Al-Nusra that justifies the ceasing-fire among those who want to participate in this war, or a war against the partners of Al Nusra in preparation for a war against it.
- There is no place for the theory of ceasing-fire that grants better opportunities to dismantle from Al Nusra, because the matter is a decision and a choice.
- Kerry is considering very well, and he has to choose before end of the situation in the eastern of Aleppo.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2016-10-03 | عدد القراءات 2340