Written by Nasser Kandil,
The agreement of recycling the plutonium has emerged to lead the international scene and to reveal the mysteries of the Russian American dispute which is deepest than the issues of the regional policies, this dispute was the center of the real search between the Russian and the US experts in Geneva for four months, while the observers wonder about the essence of this exhausting work for a negotiation that required thousands of working hours of tens of experts, and related to mapping and putting goals to distinguish them between goals that must be neutralized and legitimate goals. Thus the Russia Minister of Defense revealed before the collapse of the truce in Syria that what Moscow has been given from Washington were mere general existing attainable tables that do not serve to be a basis for the military anticipated cooperation between the two greatest countries in the world.
Clearly, when we talk about military experts, we mean experts who belong to the US Department of Defense, the Pentagon, but the surprising here is that what they are reaching to is a subject of announced criticisms by the Pentagon. In the negotiations of the experts the US Department of State is no more than a partner sponsor in creating positive political backgrounds, while the contents of the understandings are put by the military as long as they are military affairs. We understand after the outbreak of plutonium crisis what was happening in Geneva, what was disabled, and regarding what did the objections of Pentagon address, and how were the confrontation and the cooperation in Syria a mirror of the ability and the inability of applying the nuclear understandings of Geneva farer than the Syrian issue. The speech of the US Secretary of State John Kerry leaked from the New York Times clarifies that the Pentagon is not from the advocates of the military intervention and that the Congress will not grant an authorization for this intervention, but the US Department of State is the resentful party from the content of the understanding about Syria which Kerry does not hide that it is the best possible, he says that he knows that this understanding will not grant for the opponents of the Syrian President more than an opportunity to participate in a government under his constitutional presidency and competing him in the coming elections under international guarantees. He resolves that neither the war on Hezbollah nor targeting the Syrian army is possible.
At the climax of the escalation which seems apparently about Syria, and leaving every bilateral search about the understanding undecided by the White House, the Washington Post published a hypothesis of attacking the units of the Syrian army by the US aircrafts, but the White House responded immediately that this is not possible. Moscow announced that it granted the Syrian army with missiles’ networks S300 but the Americans just send a message of admonishment. And at the climax of the escalation, is it possible to imagine the talk about the intentions of a war that needs a lot of money that no one can fund it as how Saudi Arabia does, while Washington through its decision-making institutions and through the support of the two rival candidates for presidency blocks the Saudi deposits exposing its ally which stands behind every escalation and which encourages every involvement to fall into bankruptcy. All the US lawmakers and all the politicians know that the talk is revolving about a law, and that each law which is into effect is leading to rights that become required from the country and its public money, if the country retreats of this law and modifies it essentially in a way that affects these rights, for example if a country legitimizes to give the right of building additional floor for each one who possesses a building of ten floors and less, and then it decides to retreat, then every beneficiary who has that right can ask a compensation from the country that is equal to their assumed gains from the legislation which gave them this right, so how if the matter associates with the right of litigation and relates to material and human losses as the case of those affected by the events of the eleventh of September 2001.
It is clear that to the extent when America retrogrades to itself and becomes an American not universal, as what meant by when the presidential candidate of the traditional US war party becomes the Republican Party which is represented by Donald Trump who reaches to the limit of restricting the foreign policy with reconsidering the foreign trade agreements, starting from the Agreement of NAFTA with Mexico towards the understandings with Japan and China. He asks for imposing financial compensation for the political and the military positions which Washington offers to protect its allies. In return Washington seems to be withdrawn from the confrontations since it signed the nuclear understanding with Iran and after its foreign political equation has become based on mobilizing its position in the banking markets, in the diplomatic relations and in the Security Council as an indispensable need for every country that wants to normalize and to legitimize its institutions, then it is necessary to make a negotiation with Washington, if not today then tomorrow. And if the situation in Syria is not appropriate to bring the allies to the understanding signed with Moscow since it is not an America’s cause, then the context of the war will end either by convincing the allies, in this case Washington will save the understanding, or it will lead to the victories of the Syrian army that will require a negotiation with Washington to normalize and to legitimize the Syrian situation which will return to make an understanding with those who attended from the opposition for a government and elections and guarantees that allow the recognition of their results.
The issue then is something else, its center is Pentagon where the experts in it, work as employees in the companies of weapons industry, especially those which their financial figures reach to hundreds of billion dollars annually, which are related generally to the heavy missiles and nuclear industries, they are so-called strategic weapons. The field about which the negotiation was in Geneva and according to it was reached to an exhausting understanding. Washington escaped from the implementation by the pressure force of these companies which have disabled for the third time the application of the agreements of recycling the plutonium. The first was in 2000, the second was in 2010, and the third was in 2016 their content is to get rid of the amount of plutonium which is ready for the nuclear missiles industry that is equal to seventeen thousand missiles, which their non manufacturing and preparing leads to losses of hundreds of billion dollars. So the Pentagon has suggested the ratification on the agreement for the third time and left the schedule pending. Here is the importance of the speech of the Russian President Vladimir Putin “what is important is to implement in a clear date, not just the announcement of intentions that will be carried out after twenty or thirty years”.
In the light of a comprehensive ruling economic recession , the foreign policy becomes associated with modifying the agreements of the foreign trade, and the confiscation of the allies’ money and bribing the public opinion become an internal policy, furthermore the production of missiles that will not be used but just to satisfy the giant weapons companies becomes a defensive policy. This satirical image seems an exaggeration but the one who examines the US retrogression, the US confusion, and the manipulation with papers to make a Hollywood presence in politics, security and defense will know after the new US presidential mandate that America has become more American and less universal, and that America which we accustomed to it is no longer exist. So what Gonsalisa Rice has already said about the collapse of the Soviet Union can be applied today in the American case” When the great empires fall, they do not forecast you of the form and the date of their fall, as the flood and the earthquake, they just occur, and now it is falling”.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2016-10-05 | عدد القراءات 2258