Nasser Kandil wrote: When Washington gets confused

  • Many people do not want to accept the fact that Washington is confused; according to them it is a giant powerful force that it is impossible to get confused, because it has always alternatives and alternatives for the alternatives.
  • The US President has made the war on Syria a daily subject for his declarations and the positions of his administration.
  • The President Barack Obama has talked that the days of the President Bashar Al-Assad are countable.
  • Washington has tried all the means of the military pressure, it has brought Al-Qaeda organization, it armed, trained and organized directly and through its Turkish Saudi and Israel allies different groups, furthermore it accused the Syrian army of using the chemical weapons in preparation for direct a military strike against it, it brought its fleets but it did not dare to wage a war.
  • Washington behaved as if Russia and Iran would not dare to reposition military in Syria.
  • This has happened strongly.
  • Washington has betted on promoting a political solution with Moscow, but it has failed in getting what it wants from the understanding and failed in promoting what it has reached to by its allies.
  • It has retrograded, threatened, and suspended the understanding then it retuned talking about ceasing-fire, then about non-diplomatic alternatives then about ceasing-fire.
  • Washington is not as what we knew before, so do not be surprised, it declined and it gets confused, while Syria is winning.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh.





2016-10-06 | عدد القراءات 2071