- The announcement of the discussion from Moscow between the Chiefs of Staff of the Russian and Turkish armies about the situation on the borders with Syria and Iraq and the situation of Aleppo, as well as the necessity to separate Al Nusra from the opposition was not to spread news but to reveal a message.
- The presence of the phrase "the necessity to separate Al Nusra from the opposition" means that Moscow wants to clarify the nature of the communication and the discussion.
- After a failed Turkish escalation in Aleppo by Al Nusra.
- After the Turkish threat of additional incursion in Iraq.
- After the visit of the Foreign Minister of Syria to Moscow and discussing the issue of the Turkish violations and the Syrian decision of confront it.
- After a Syrian Russian Iranian meeting, the Turkish hostile escalation against Syria and Iraq was mentioned.
- The Russian message addresses Turkey not to escalate if Turkey does not want to see itself in a state of collision once again with Russia and Iran.
- The Turkish regression of the escalation in Syria and Iraq is a Turkish interest after the failure of the attack of Aleppo and after the Turkish collision has become with the Iraq progress in the two axes of Mosul and Tal Afar an apparent support to ISIS.
- After the failure, Turkey received the Russian recipe " the necessity to separate Al Nusra from the opposition"
- It is a Russian warning to Turkey.
Translated by LianShehadeh,
2016-11-03 | عدد القراءات 2309