- It seems that the Russian US understanding is a reference document that is similar to Baker-Hamilton document which was issued by the Republican and the Democratic Parties in America ten years ago, where the suggested alternatives have been granted years of test in order to reapply it gradually without prior announcement of its application.
- The understanding with Iran was an item of Baker-Hamilton terms, as the negotiating involvement with Russia, and as the retreat of the blind adoption of the status of Saudi Arabia and Israel as decisions-makers of the US policies without the retreat of their protection.
- The withdrawal from Iraq, the withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the regression of the option of the war on Syria despite the arrival of the fleets few years ago are application of the terms of Baker-Hamilton without the announcement that this is an application of the recommendations.
- The suggested alternatives of the Russian US understanding are granted an opportunity of proving themselves in the field especially by America toward its allies, but the outcome is to prove the failure of these alternatives and the return to the understanding.
- America shouts on Russia but it does not go beyond shouting, however when Moscow says that the understanding has died, Washington responds that it is still alive.
- The battle of Aleppo is one of the wars of applying the understanding not its death.
Translated by LinaShehadeh,
2016-11-03 | عدد القراءات 2123