Nasser Kandil wrote: Hezbollah is an example

  • Neither Washington nor any of its allies can deny their persistence on describing Hezbollah as the leading force for the supporters of Iran in the region, and the force which forms the defender and the policies adopter of each of Iran and Syria.
  • What Hezbollah did in the Lebanese politics through its dealing under international and regional focus was to pave the way for the most important Christian leader to the presidency of the Republic at the popular and the external level and the acceptance of the Prime Minister who is the leader of the wider Sunni representation and the most hostile to Hezbollah, in addition to his relation with Saudi Arabia which classifies Hezbollah as a terrorist, as well as its abandonment  of special governmental quotas and authorizing the Chairman of the House of Representatives whom the opponents of Hezbollah especially the president in charge of forming the government said that his opposition of the settlement was against Hezbollah.
  • This is the party of Iran, Syria, and Lebanon as described by the leader of the Lebanese Forces Samir Geagea, and which is described by Saudi Arabia as the leader of the forces such as Al Houthis and the Poplar crowd, so will those accept the characterization of the winning project of Hezbollah and thus calling it the Iranian project in the region?
  • Is it a unity or a division project?
  • Is it a monopoly or a partnership project?
  • Is it a revenge or reconciliation project?

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,


2016-11-09 | عدد القراءات 1985