Nasser Kandil wrote: Well done Russia

  • When the International Criminal Court has been formed and after America had refused to sign the document of affiliating to it and insisted on that its citizens, officials, and soldiers would not prosecuted but only in front the US Courts, it was clear that the intention of this court was to subject the other countries rather than to make an international justice.
  • When the application of forming this court started, it dealt with causes of leaders who rebelled against the American will, moreover it prepared causes against them regardless the credibility of these causes, because the justice institutions are not measured according to the punishment of the perpetrator, but according to the equal dealing with the defendant with the same guilty. This is justice, but the court did not behave any more like that, because everyone who is protected by the American veto has gained an immunity that prevents his prosecution of fixed crimes that are committed publically, so the court fell.
  • What Russia has done due to the decision of withdrawing its signature of the documents of forming the court is a legitimate announcement of the fall of the justification of its formation and a call for the countries which respect themselves to do the same till the availability of the criteria, conditions, and guarantees for the performance of the court that made out of it an international justice institution where no one is protected.
  • Israel and the dealing with it is the criteria of the talk about the institutions of the international law but without seeing its rulers driven to the trial, only the idiots accept the International Tribunal.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,

2016-11-21 | عدد القراءات 2014