Nasser Kandil wrote: De Mistura’s nail and Al Moualem’s pliers

  • The eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo do not represent one to ten per thousand of the area of Syria. The UN Envoy says that a settlement that depends on giving its administration to the committees that belong to the armed groups within an agreement that includes the exit of the militants has no political meaning, but the end of this war and the suffering of people, and thus the country will be feel comfort from the security and the media concern entitled the eastern of Aleppo.
  • The Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Al Moualem said to Mistura that he has to feel ashamed before uttering such words that form an authority outside the legitimate sovereignty of the country in an area of its national territory under UN coverage, moreover, he asked the acceptance of the country of this authority, so this means legitimating the example of the integration of the country and the attempt of generalizing, it. But the Syrian country cares about the people, while De Mistura cares about the militants; he tried to ensure a political compensation instead of their military defeat.
  • De Mistura’s nail is similar to the tale of Juha’s nail which he put in the wall of a house that he wanted to rent provided checking his nail whenever he wants, in order to make the justification of the visit of the nail a reason for Juha to stay in the house, through De Mistura’s nail in the eastern of Aleppo he wants to generalize occupying the Syrian house.
  • Al Moualem’s pliers had been on the alert to uproot De Mistura’s nail.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,

2016-11-21 | عدد القراءات 1985