- Any observer of the ongoing changes in the west cannot separate between them and the transformations experienced by the western public opinion against the globalization which ends the national identities in favor of a fake identity which is the subordination to the American hegemony and which formed the globalization of the terrorism, so the return to the nationalism in its harsh racism has become the choice of the public opinion from Britain to America and France.
- The biggest scandals of the west governments were in the war on Syria in which the terrorists such as Al-Qaeda organization have been invested with a full awareness to destroy Syria after distorting the image of its country, army, and its president, and when the west started to pay the cost under the pressure of the refugees and the move of the terrorism to its capitals.
- The ongoing review in the west and the return to the harsh nationalism is inseparable from the war against Syria, now we are witnessing a condemnation of the official position of the present rule from Washington to London to Paris towards what is going on in Syria.
- It is not a coincidence that Donald Trump and Francois Fillon agreed on announcing the desire to cooperate with Russia and to retract from the hostility against Syria and considering the terrorism a title of the war, that requires the cooperation of the nationalisms of the world’ countries at their forefront Syria.
- The winning of the Syrian army in Aleppo constitutes the votes in the ballot boxes in favor of Francois Fillon in France.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2016-11-29 | عدد القراءات 2271