- May be I am the only one who linked the end of the Syrian war with an international regional factor that has a specific date and deadline, it is the US withdrawal from Afghanistan which was assigned to be at the end of 2014, then its gradual implementation was postponed with the exit of the last group in the end of January 2017.
- I have always seen that the war on Syria was in order to drive it by the force of the Arab Spring and the lie of the revolution of democracy that is funded by the Gulf countries and sponsored by Turkey in favor of America and Israel, trying to draw an alternative political military geography instead of the impossible presence in Iraq and Afghanistan, preventing the connection of Russia, China, and Iran through Afghanistan, and their connection with the Mediterranean Sea across Iraq and Syria, in order to ensure the security of Israel after the US withdrawal.
- The steadfastness of Syria and the support of its allies were to prevent the winning of the war through this separating time from the withdrawal and to drive the advocates of the war to the despair from winning.
- Now we are towards the anticipated deadline.
- 2017 is the year of the end of the war surely.
- If the opponent players against the Syrian country say that their war has reasons, they will be Syrians, Arabs, and foreigners liars, so let them proceed despite the US deadline for its end.
- Syria is stronger, while America and Israel are weaker. Iran, Russia, and Hezbollah have the bigger balance of victory.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2017-01-04 | عدد القراءات 2050