- Since before the coup, Turkey was facing uncomfortable relation with Washington that ranged between doubts, accusations, and attractions, but surely it is not the ideal relationship for two allies.
- The golden era of the Turkish relationship with the working groups under the name of the Syrian opposition has been faded, now it lives confusion and doubts after the settlement of Aleppo and the questions among the ranks of these groups to where Turkey will send them after Moscow’s understandings, especially after the negligence of the body of the negotiation to sign the last truce and the turning to the negotiating delegation of the militants.
- The Turkish relationship with ISIS has witnessed a stage of truce, cooperation, disclosure but now it is in a state of a whole war, the battles of Al Bab and the bombings of Istanbul show that.
- The Turkish relationship with Al Nusra was as the relation between a guardian and his citizens, but after the settlement of Aleppo, the truce agreement, and the exclusion of Al Nusra the confrontation became between Al Nusra and Turkey to sort out the armed groups.
- Turkey is still waging an open battle with any participation of the Kurds in Al Raqqa battles or in the political solution.
- The Turkish relationship with Russia remained doomed with the membership of Turkey in the NATO and that does not reassure Moscow at the end.
- The Turkish relationship with the Iraqi and the Syrian governments is bad.
- Turkey was insolent toward Iran and Hezbollah as a superpower.
- It is a deadly arrogance.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2017-01-05 | عدد القراءات 2399