Nasser Kandil wrote: The end of the coalition

  • It is enough to see the disintegration among the leaders of the Syrian opposition coalition in the light of the outcomes of Aleppo’s battles and the observation of what is going on in it concerning the truce discussions and Astana’s dialogue to know the fate which is awaiting it.
  • The coalition has emerged out due to four elements; first, the US will of escalation against Syria, Second, the Turkish Saudi understanding. Third, the ability to disguise its dependence on Al-Qaeda organization. Forth, the weakness of the Russian Iranian presence politically in the Syrian equation.
  • Since the Russian military positioning till Aleppo’s battle, the reasons of the cohesion of the coalition and its presence were fading away, now Russia becomes an admissible reference for the political solution, it has opposed early its representation of the opposition, and now Turkey by the force of interests is converging with Russia and accepting its conditions, while Saudi Arabia is out of the actual scene. The Americans will try to impose the Kurds in any talks from outside the coalition.
  • After a campaign that is based on a lie or an illusion entitled the Russian Turkish understanding at the expense of Iran, the coalition withdrew and became talking about Turkish Russian understanding at its expense.
  • The farce end which is promoted by some of the leaders of the coalition is to accept the participation in Astana even narrowly politically, and the participation of other delegations under the banner of non-isolation.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,






2017-01-12 | عدد القراءات 1904