Nasser Kandil wrote: Turkey wants Astana as a station

  • Since the truce Turkey behaves according to a bilateral, first the escaping from the commitments by accusing Iran and Hezbollah, so it pleases Saudi Arabia, Israel, USA and its new President Donald Trump.
  • Second, the abidance not to lose its cooperation with Russia according to what relieves America and Trump and reserves a seat for it not possessed by Israel or Saudi Arabia.
  • The success of Astana is Turkish adventure, because it imposes on it a critical option to abandon Al Nusra Front and who is with it, under a political ceiling for the Syrian settlement that leads to a unified government and elections.
  • Turkey will not take a risk and resolve its matter, because its issue is at the Americans not at the Russians, and the cost will be paid in favor of a cost, but it will not pay anything before the crystallization of the new US administration that knows its position toward the Kurds and FethullahGulen.
  • Turkey remains open to acalming withoutgoing to resolve, and when the US administration and its options crystalize, it negotiates with it by putting it between two choices in order to meet its interests in the issue of the Kurds and Gulen's issue in exchange of the positioning seriously against ISIS and Al Nusra, if it wants a victory on them, with the cooperation of Moscow, knowing that it has passed through this cooperation, otherwise let it totally cooperate with Moscow.
  • Turkey will not resolve its options for the settlementin Astana.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,


2017-01-17 | عدد القراءات 2375