- Everyone who observes the Saudi and the Iranian speeches sees an Iranian permanent continuous affirmation of the desire to have a dialogue and to solve the disputes politically, whereas he sees a hostile Saudi escalation against Iran.
- In fact, Iran has not changed its supportive position to Hezbollah and its Lebanese choices, but Saudi Arabia and its groups which are escalating their speech against Hezbollah and Iran have changed and have accepted the presidential candidate the General Michal Aoun who is proving today that he has not changed any of his supportive choices to Hezbollah, but he was accepted by Saudi Arabia and its group and his opposite positions were accepted too.
- Iran has not changed its position toward Syria and its President, but Saudi Arabia which is escalating its speech against Syria and its President has presented the cover to include Jordan in Astana meeting which based on the abandonment of the war on Syria and its President and making the priority for the reconciliation with him under Russian sponsorship in the war on terrorism.
- Iran has not changed its position toward Yemen and the support of the uprising of its people towards to a political negotiating solution, while Saudi Arabia which launched its aggression on the Yemenis has authorized Kuwait and Muscat to host negotiating dialogues in which the Saudis participated rather than the Yemenis.
- Iran has not changed its speech which calls for a dialogue with the Gulf, but Saudi Arabia during its escalation has authorized Kuwait to be the mediator and to negotiate.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2017-02-19 | عدد القراءات 2344