- Within a few days the Syrian army proceeded inside Al Badiya from the countryside of Homs and Damascus having control on a front which its width is eighty kilometers towards the depth of one hundred kilometer, which means nearly as the distance of Lebanon.
- This area which is bordered by the Euphrates River in the north, the Jordanian-Iraqi borders in the south and east, and the linking line between the airports of Damascus and Al Shuairat in the west forms the gateway with Iraq.
- This area is the alternative shelter for ISIS which isanticipated by America, just for that the raids on the Syrian army focused on itsoutskirts from Deir Al-Zour, Palmyra, Al Shuairat, the airport of Damascus, towards the airport of Mazzeh.
- This area is the oil, gas,phosphate reserves as natural resources, and a source for generating electricity which is needed by Syria.
- Strategically, this area is the linking line with Iran and its supply to Syria and the resistance.
- Through the control of the Syrian army on Al-Badiya and its reaching to the Iraqi borders the Iraqi-Syrian economic and military integration is secured.
- The popular crowd meets the Syrian army on the opposite side of the borders.
- According to the American perspective the two wars of Mosul and Raqqa are to drive ISIS to the Syrian and Iraqi Badiya.
- According to the Iraqi and the Syrian perspective the two wars of Mosul and Raqqa are to close the outlets of Al Badiya against ISIS.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2017-05-14 | عدد القراءات 2287