- The process of what so-called the South front reveals a project that aims to have control on the Iraq-Syrian borders with Syria, starting from the point of the Jordanian-Syrian-Iraqi borders in Al Natf.
- Syria did not only warn Jordan not to tamper in its security in the south, but it prepared for a race that ends with the arrival to the borders with Iraq before the US plan starts to be into effect.
- The Popular Crowd met the Syrian army from the other side of the borders.
- Moscow and Tehran are partners in the process which formed one of the reasons of Astana and the de-escalation in order to take the necessary time to terminate ISIS in the Syrian Badiya.
- In order not to collide with Russia and Syria and to advance to the battle of Raqqa, the Americans said that the bordered process aims to prevent ISIS from the infiltration across the borders of Iraq with Jordan.
- Moscow’s answer was in the meeting of Lavrov-Trump, that the Syrian army is doing the same thing for the same purpose, as the Turks entered Al Bab city to expel ISIS before Syrian army, and after it did not fight them but it preceded to its goal in the north and east, it will complete its progress to Iraq, so who will arrive first will achieve the goal.
- Within the past days, the Syrian army and the Popular Crowd have passed two thirds of the distance, and it seems that they have control on the borders.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2017-05-18 | عدد القراءات 2186