Nasser Kandil wrote: Erdogan is no longer distinguished by Washington

  • Within a month, it seemed that Erdogan will take unexpected steps to defend the honor of his country and his government against the US recklessness.
  • Due to his high escalated discourse many of his followers have expected that he will cancel his visit to Washington in response to the decision of arming the Kurds on the eve of the visit.
  • The Americans remained repeating the priority of the cooperation with the Kurds to take into consideration the Turkish concerns.
  • Erdogan has proposed alternatives to Washington as joining the Iraqi-Syrian Peshmerga instead of the Democratic Forces of Syria or to its side.
  • Erdogan said that he is ready to mobilize the Turkish army in the war on ISIS as he did in the city of Al Bab.
  • The Americans turned their deaf ear to his words and they kept sending weapons to the Kurds.
  • Erdogan asked for moral compensation for handingover FathullahGulen to them, the Americans responded that it is a judicial matter rather than a political one.
  • Those who operate their clients know how to treat them and the clients know that they have to keep silent.
  • Erdogan is a bully in Turkey, but a boy in Washington.
  • Erdogan's scene will be repeated in the visit of Trump to Riyadh, where he will lecture in front of fifty-five leaders of Islamic countries about Islam which he said in his electoral campaign that it is a plague.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,






2017-05-23 | عدد القراءات 2033