- Over the past years the Kurds of Syria along with the whole world witnessed how the Turkish dream of restoring the Sultanate’s glories with new Ottoman and on Muslim Brotherhood basis was expanding and growing, and how Turkey was the first adopted by America in the policies of the region.
- The Turks played with terrorism, so under the effect of the illusion of sultanate and the illusion of the US support, Turkey abandoned every reading and consideration of the neighborhood, it disputed with the neighborhoods which it already called for zero-enemies with them, ignoring what the Syrian nationalism and what the Iraqi nationalism can do.
- Turkey failed due to the steadfastness of Syria and Iraq and the rise of Iran, Russia, and the stability of the resistance, although all of them were friends before.
- The leadership of the Kurds in Syria repeats the Turkish experience, it lives the illusion of the country and illusion of the US support, it runs a risk by history and geography, it enters with understandings with ISIS for handing over Raqqa in exchange of a secure withdrawal towards Palmyra, it tries to restore the Syrian country, Russia, Iran, and the resistance, all of them were friends before.
- Tomorrow the American will sell his promises to the Kurds through the next settlements and they will pay the cost of their illusion as the Turks today.
- Will the Kurds learn from the Turks?
- Only fools do not learn from the experience of others as Bismarck said.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2017-06-05 | عدد القراءات 2036